“Love Advice from the Great Duke of Hell” is a popular webtoon written and illustrated by unfins. The story follows a demon named Duke who offers love advice to humans in exchange for their souls. The webtoon is a romantic comedy with a unique twist, and has quickly gained a following among fans of the genre.
Plot Summary
The story begins with a young woman named Lilith who is struggling with her love life. She summons Duke, a demon who offers her love advice in exchange for her soul. Despite her initial reluctance, Lilith agrees to the deal and begins receiving Duke’s advice.
As the story progresses, Duke helps Lilith and other humans with their romantic problems, all while dealing with his own feelings for Lilith. Along the way, the two face obstacles and challenges that threaten their relationship and their souls.
The main characters of the webtoon series include:
- Duke: A demon who offers love advice to humans in exchange for their souls. He is confident, charming, and often flirts with Lilith.
- Lilith: A young woman who summons Duke for love advice. She is intelligent, independent, and struggles with her romantic relationships.
- Asmodeus: Another demon who is Duke’s rival. He is manipulative and often causes trouble for Duke and Lilith.
- Lucifer: The ruler of hell who occasionally appears in the story. He is stern and demanding, but has a soft spot for Duke.
“Love Advice from the Great Duke of Hell” is a unique and entertaining webtoon that offers a fresh take on the romantic comedy genre. With its charming characters, witty dialogue, and engaging storyline, it’s no wonder that the webtoon has gained a dedicated following. Whether you’re a fan of romance, comedy, or the supernatural, “Love Advice from the Great Duke of Hell” is definitely worth checking out.