A Gritty Tale of the Crack Epidemic
Snowfall is an American television drama series that premiered on FX in 2017. It tells the story of a young street entrepreneur in Los Angeles named Franklin Saint, who becomes embroiled in the crack cocaine epidemic that swept through the city in the 1980s.
Plot and Characters
The series is set in 1983 and follows the intersecting lives of several characters, including Franklin, a drug dealer looking to expand his empire; Teddy McDonald, a CIA operative tasked with funding the Contras in Nicaragua through drug trafficking; and Gustavo “El Oso” Zapata, a Mexican wrestler turned enforcer for a local crime family.
The series takes viewers on a rollercoaster ride of crime, violence, and intrigue as the characters navigate the dangerous and complex world of the drug trade. The show’s strong writing and powerful performances by its cast have earned it critical acclaim and a loyal fanbase.
Production and Reception
John Singleton, Eric Amadio, and Dave Andron created Snowfall. Singleton, who passed away in 2019, was a renowned filmmaker known for his work on movies such as Boyz n the Hood and Poetic Justice. The show has received critical acclaim for its authentic portrayal of the crack epidemic. Critics have also praised its depiction of the impact of the epidemic on communities of color in Los Angeles.
Both audiences and critics have well-received the series, with an approval rating of 86% on Rotten Tomatoes. The series has received several award nominations, including a Primetime Emmy nomination for Outstanding Cinematography for a Single-Camera Series.
Future of the Series
The creators have renewed Snowfall for a fifth season. Fans highly anticipate the continuation of the series. This is because the show’s gripping storylines and unexpected twists have left them on the edge of their seats.
Snowfall is a gritty and realistic portrayal of the crack epidemic that swept through Los Angeles in the 1980s. The show’s complex characters, strong writing, and powerful performances have made it a hit with audiences and critics alike. With a fifth season on the horizon, Snowfall shows no signs of slowing down, and fans are eagerly anticipating what’s to come.