Title Fight
Title Fight

Title Fight is an American punk rock band that formed in 2003 in Kingston, Pennsylvania. The band consists of vocalist/guitarist Jamie Rhoden, guitarist Shane Moran, bassist Ned Russin, and drummer Ben Russin. Since their formation, Title Fight has become a staple in the punk rock scene and has released several critically acclaimed albums.

Formation and Early Years

Title Fight was formed in 2003 by high school friends Jamie Rhoden, Shane Moran, and brothers Ned and Ben Russin. The band began playing local shows and self-releasing demos before signing to indie label Flight Plan Records in 2007. Their debut album, “The Last Thing You Forget,” was released in 2009 and showcased the band’s energetic punk sound.

Success and Evolution

Title Fight’s follow-up album, “Shed,” was released in 2011 on SideOneDummy Records and showcased a more mature sound, incorporating elements of post-hardcore and shoegaze. The album was well received by critics and helped the band gain a larger following. In 2013, the band released “Floral Green,” which continued to showcase the band’s evolution and experimentation with different genres.

In 2015, Title Fight released their third album, “Hyperview.” The album marked a significant departure from their punk rock roots and embraced a more shoegaze and dream pop sound. The album was met with mixed reviews. However, it solidified the band’s reputation as one willing to take creative risks and evolve their sound.

Recent Years and Hiatus

Following the release of “Hyperview,” Title Fight went on a hiatus, with members pursuing other projects. In 2018, the band released a compilation album titled “Spring Songs” that featured previously unreleased material. In 2020, they released a live album titled “Live at O2 Academy Liverpool,” which showcased the band’s live energy.

While the band has been relatively quiet in recent years, their influence on the punk rock scene cannot be understated. Title Fight’s willingness to experiment with different genres and evolve their sound has made them a beloved band in the punk rock community.


Title Fight is a band that has stayed true to its punk rock roots while also embracing different genres and evolving its sound. Their music has garnered critical acclaim and a dedicated fan base, and their influence on the punk rock scene is undeniable. While the band’s future remains uncertain, their legacy as one of the most important punk rock bands of the 21st century is secure.

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