Vanderpump Rules is an American reality TV show that premiered on Bravo in January 2013. The show follows the lives of the staff at Lisa Vanderpump’s West Hollywood restaurant, SUR. Vanderpump Rules has become known for its drama-filled episodes, which often involve conflicts between the cast members.
Cast and Characters
The show features a diverse cast of characters, each with their own unique personalities and storylines. The original cast consisted of Stassi Schroeder, Jax Taylor, Tom Sandoval, Kristen Doute, Scheana Shay, Katie Maloney-Schwartz, and Lisa Vanderpump. Over the years, several new cast members have joined the show, including James Kennedy, Lala Kent, Ariana Madix, and Tom Schwartz.
Plot and Controversies
Throughout the show’s run, the show has been the subject of various controversies. One of the most notable was the firing of Stassi Schroeder and Kristen Doute in June 2020, following accusations of racist behavior. The show has also been criticized for its portrayal of women and for promoting toxic behavior among its cast members.
Despite the controversies, the show has remained a popular show with a devoted fanbase. In 2021, the show returned for its ninth season, which featured several new cast members and continued to follow the personal and professional lives of the SUR staff.
Vanderpump Rules has been a popular reality TV show that has entertained audiences for almost a decade. Although it has faced its fair share of controversies, the show continues to attract viewers with its drama-filled episodes and unique cast of characters. As of 2023, Vanderpump Rules is still going strong and is expected to continue for several more seasons.